What Matters Marketing

What Matters Marketing

Hosted by: Kim Skilton

Do you wish you had a Marketing BFF in your hip pocket? Someone with decades of experience that can provide you with valuable tips, current advice and actionable marketing strategies. Great news, you’re in the right...

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#12 Mastering Influencer Marketing: From Basics to ROI

Not sure if Influencer Marketing is for you? Listen in where I share with you the critical elements you need to know including: What is Influencer Marketing Benefits of Influencer Marketing Finding Suitable...
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#11 Latest Instagram Algorithm Updates

The head of Instagram Adam Mossieri announced last week that they are making changes to the Instagram algorithm with 3 key changes.  In this weeks short but sweet episode, I share with you what they are and how you...
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#10 7 Free Ways To Promote Your Business

With a complex marketing landscape combined with some tough economic times, many business owners are overwhelmed and in doubt with what to do to get more customers.  This overwhelm and doubt often leads to business...
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#9 10 Tips to SEO Success

In this week's episode, I am covering one of my most favourite marketing strategies and that is SEO - Search Engine Optimisation. In this episode, I share with you some secrets giving you 10 tips to SEO success for...
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#8 Googles E-E-A-T and why is it important for SEO

Googles EEAT and why is it important for SEO If you’re not already familiar with Googles E-E-A-T then you’ll absolutely want to listen in to todays show. I’m going to dive into what Google’s E-E-A-T is why it’s...
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#7 7 Technical Website Requirements

Today I am talking to you about Mastering the Technical Aspects of Website Development providing you with a 7 point checklist. Creating a new website involves more than just its aesthetics and content. While the look,...
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#6 The Power Of Customer Reviews

The power of Customer Reviews In today's show we’re going to review Reviews and the power that they have to drive huge success for your business and also the power that they have to kill your business. In Episode of...
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#5 How to run a Successful Giveaway

How to run a successful Giveaway Running a giveaway is more than just a chance to gift your existing audience with something special. It's a strategic move to: boost awareness engage your community and expand your...
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#4 Effective Marketing in a Cookieless world

What does the end of the cookie mean for your business? In this episode of the What Matters Marketing podcast we take a deep dive into: The impacts of a cookieless world What is a cookie What is third party, second...
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#3 The difference between Business Strategy and Marketing Strategy

The difference between Business Strategy and Marketing Strategy Strategy. It's a buzzword bandied about in boardrooms and business articles, whispered with reverence and wielded like a secret weapon. But what does it...
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#2 The new email deliverability rules and what it means for your business

The new email deliverability rules and what it means for your business. In February 2024, the world’s two major email providers Gmail and Yahoo began to block and aggressively filter incoming email traffic that...
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#1 Top 5 Marketing Opportunities for Business in 2024

Buckle up and get ready for another exciting year of marketing opportunities in 2024. Regardless of whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established brand, it pays to be across new marketing trends and...
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